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Сегодня 26 марта, среда
Санкт-Петербург +5°C

Erasmus Mundus Master In Water And Coastal Management (WACOMA)

About Partners Websites Contacts WACOMA Agreement (PDF)


Duration: 24 months

Course description:
The curricular programme is integrated and includes modules offered by all the Universities in the consortium. The Msc WACOMA is a 24 month programme (120 ECTS) running over three periods adapted from a previous Erasmus Mundus approved in the first call of the programme in 2004 (Joint European Master in Water and Coastal Management). The experiences developed during these years have suggested us to include some changes such us the total duration of the Master and some changes in the partnership. The development of the programme will be through different periods/semesters (the dates are for an example of the first edition of the Master 2012/14).

1st Semester first academic year 2012/13 August, 2012 to January 2013, 6 months at the University of Bologna, Italy. It will be conducted different compulsory modules focused on Freshwater, environmental economics, and social sciences to award 30 ECTS by the students.

2nd Semester first academic year 2012/2013 from February 2013 to July 2013, 6 months at the University of Cadiz, Spain. Composed by optional modules to be selected by the students. It is offered up to 90 ECTS to be selected by the students in all of the three general matters included in the master: Freshwater, General Environment and Coastal to complete the required 30ECTS in this period. Second academic year 2012/13 from August 2013 to July 2014 to conduct their research period at any of the 6 partner institutions: University of Algarve, Portugal, University of Bologna, Italy; University of Cadiz, Spain; University of Ningbo, China; University of Santa Cecilia, Brazil and the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia.

Also, the students can conduct their dissertation period in collaboration with any of the associated members always in collaboration and co-supervised by one professor from any of the consortium Universities.

Students will have to complete 120 ECTS to be awarded the MSc WACOMA and at least 30 of those ECTS must be taken in a second EU Institution at a different European country of the consortium.

Students will begin at the University of Bologna where there will be a core programme of 30 ECTS offered to all students.

There will be no options in this core and it will prepare the students for all the subsequent option modules and for their dissertation phase.

For the second period the students will move to the University of Cadiz where a range of option modules (diagram 1) will be available to enable the students to specialise in their main area of interest.

The modules offered will be provided by experts from our wide network of European and international partners and will be organised into subject specific clusters to ensure the modules offered each year address an appropriate range of topics. On completion of the taught modules the students will progress to their dissertation during the second year (60ECTS)

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