Today is 28 of March, Friday
Санкт-Петербург +3°C

University faculties

Meteorological faculty:

Meteorological faculty prepare of the engineer-meteorologist, and bachelors of the hydrometeorologist and experts in economy of nature management.

numerical methods of the weather forecast
devices and methods of measuring

Scientific directions:
Researches of the existential variability of meteorology with the purpose of development of physics-statistical methods of weather forecast.
Construction of local model on the limited territory of the hydrodynamical forecast in troposphere. Construction of the hydrodynamical model of ozone cloud dynamics.
Long-term meteorological forecasts of the climate and ozonosphere changes. Estimation of the economic efficiency of hydrometeorological maintenance of the national economy. Microclimatology and ecology of the city.
Numerical modelling of the clouds and deposits.
Development of means and methods of the analysis and supershort-term forecast of atmospheric processes. System of the engineering detection of electric active zones in the clouds.

Hydrological faculty:

At the hydrological faculty experts of the water objects are prepared including mode formation, mathematical modelling of the processes, the forecast of dangerous phenomena (flood, a high water, etc.), calculations of the hydrological characteristics at economic use of the water objects, ecological condition of the reservoirs etc.

Land hydrology
Ecology of land waters

Scientific directions:
Studying of the long-term variability of the land hydrological mode for settlement estimation of the current condition and the forecast of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of superficial and underground drains.

Oceanological faculty:

The oceanological faculty (unique in the country and the world) was organized in 1970. It consists the three special issuing departments and two general educational departments. At faculties there are six laboratories: an educational bureau of the sea forecasts, ice-thermal laboratory, laboratory of physics of the ocean, laboratory of the experimental oceanologic measurements, laboratory of sea underwater researches, laboratory of the sea researches, and educational ichthyology museum and the sailing catamaran equipped for the oceanographic and diving works in coastal zone.

Physical oceanology
Fishing oceanology
Engineering oceanology
Hydrometeorological ecology
Measuring oceanologic engineering
Mathematical and laboratory modelling of the oceanological processes
Integrated coastal zone management

Scientific directions:
UNESCO/IOK/HELCOM Project “Baltic Floating University” (“BFU”)
The International project of IOK/UNESCO “TEMA” (Training, Education and Mutual Asistance).
The Federal scientific and technical program of the Russian Federation “Development of civil purpose science and technology researches and engineering on the priority directions”.
Integrated coastal management of the Russian Federation

Ecologies and physics of nature

Faculty of ecologies and physics of nature is organized in 1994. The Faculty trains for the bachelors on the “Ecology and nature management” and “Physics”, and also the engineers-ecologists and the Masters on “Physics”.


Scientific directions:
Geoecological processes.

Economic and social-humanitarian faculty

The faculty has been based in 2003 by the order 446 from August, 12, 2003. It has included three specialities: “management of the organization”, “economy and management at the enterprise of environmental management”,“public relations”, and also six chairs.

hydrometeorological management
public relations

Scientific directions:
Innovations and investments into business
Genres of speech (scientific and methodical aspects)
Linguistics (phraseology, stylistics, semantics, language of mass media, language of advertising)
The Russian literature of XIX and XX centuries
Historical sociology
Social and economic history of Russia of XVIII—XIX centuries.
Phylosophy, political and ecology aspects of interaction of a society and the nature, an ecological policy, social ecology, social philosophy, sociology of a science.

Correspondence education

On the faculty engineers-meteorologists, engineers-hedrologists, engineers-oceanologists, engineers-ecologists are trained. The main attention is given to independent work. Training is carried out under the programs developed in university together with the Goscomhydromet of the Russian Federation.

At faculty training an experts on directions:
012600 — meteorology
012700 — hydrology
012800 — oceanology
060300 — economy of nature management
320300 — geoecology
061100 — management
  Russian State Hydrometeorological University Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Voronezhskaya ulitsa, 79
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