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BFU Publications

The BFU Research Bulletin (published annually by RSHU with support of IOC UNESCO) is a forum for researchers and students, participating in Baltic Floating University, to present the results of their research, carried out during the BFU cruises, share their experiences and views. This annual publication contains the papers based on BFU materials and data, the presentations of students, and also the articles with students’ impressions of BFU cruises. Students from different countries and Universities are encouraged to work together (many published articles are written by two or three students). For many students this is their first experience of writing the research papers.

A pilot issue of BFU Research Bulletin was produced in May, 1995, presenting results of the first two years of operation. The second issue, published in 1996, presented the overview of the BFU activities in 1995. It was followed by the booklet “The Baltic Floating University: Training Through Research in the Baltic, Barents and White Seas — 1997” (IOC Technical Series, 53. UNESCO). The third BFU Research Bulletin was issued in 1999 and was devoted to the International Year of the Ocean — 1998. Only from 2002 the BFU Bulletin has become an annual publication. In 2007 the 9th issue has been published (co-sponsored by IOC UNESCO), presenting the activities of 2006.

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 8

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 7

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 6

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 5

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 3

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 2

BFU Res. Bulletin
№ 1
About Cruises Publications Contacts
  Russian State Hydrometeorological University Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Voronezhskaya ulitsa, 79
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