Уважаемые преподаватели, студенты и сотрудники РГГМУ! Открытая лекция Андерса Перссона состоится в четверг 21 апреля 2016 г., с 15:15 до 16:30, в аудитории 209, 1 корпуса РГГМУ.
Тема: Rossby's planetary waves and the usefulness of their "group velocity" Abstract: The history behind the discovery of C.-G. Rossby's planetary waves will be outlined, as well as how he came to introduce the concept of "group velocity" into dynamic meteorology. The latter concept has proved its value by increasing our understanding of how different synoptic, baroclinic systems interact over long distances. It is not only helpful to understand what causes a bad forecast but also where extra observations should be positioned.