Today is 12 of March, Wednesday
Санкт-Петербург −2°C

BFU Cruises

Since 1993 the BFU expeditions have been carried out annually (2 to 3 weeks).

As a two-ship operation Baltic Floating University uses in parallel two training platforms: a big oceanographic vessel for studies in the open Baltic Sea and a sailing catamaran for investigations in its shallow coastal waters.

Sailing Catamaran "Centaurus II" team 2007

The main task of the research is analysis of hydrophysical (T, S), hydrochemical (O2, nutrients) and geological data (bottom sediments) and its comparison with hydrobiological data, including species composition and biomass of phytoplankton and benthos and content of chlorophyll-a in study areas. From 2006 in frames of collaboration with the newly established UNESCO/IOC Chair at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) the validation of remote sensed data with the experimental data obtained during the cruises is done.

Research vessel "Sibiryakov" team 2000

The education and training tasks include training students in acquiring research skills at the sea and in data preprocessing; organizing lectures and seminars; students’ preparation of presentations of the cruise preliminary results for the mid-cruise seminars in ports of call and post-cruise seminars in RSHU.

Cruises details

About Cruises Publications Contacts
  Russian State Hydrometeorological University Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Voronezhskaya ulitsa, 79
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