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BFU Cruise 1999

In July and August 1999 the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) organized and carried out the research cruise of the Baltic Floating University (BFU). It consisted of two stages — 1) onboard the research vessel and 2) onboard the sailing catamaran.

1) International Training through Research Cruise aboard Russian hydrographical research vessel «Sibiryakov» was held on July, 26 — August, 20. It was considered as a contribution to continuation of the 1998 International Year of the Ocean (IYO’98). This Cruise was held within the framework of UNESCO/IOC Programme TEMA (Training, Education and Mutual Assistance), UNESCO-IOC-HELCOM Project «Baltic Floating University», as well as research programmes of the Ministry of Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Common and Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

38 persons, including 17 teachers and scientific employees from RSHU, Scientific Centre «Monitoring of Arctic Region», State Hydrological University, Volny University (Pskov) and Television Science University, students of the Oceanography Department of RSHU (9 persons), students of St.-Petersburg State University by The Baltic University Programme support (2 persons), students of Klaipeda University (Lithuania) and Cadiz University (Spain) (3 and 4 persons, accordingly), and 3 schoolchildren from Estonia have been engaged in realization of the Cruise tasks.

The interdisciplinary expedition has been carried out in the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea. Under supervision of the specialists students have taken direct part in taking the samples, have worked in onboard laboratories, getting the experience and practical skills in methods and technique of the marine research, they also have taken part in processing and preliminary analysis of the data.

During the Cruise RV «Sibiryakov» called to Stockholm (August 16-18), where the Mid-cruise seminar has been held. The representatives of Swedish and International educational programs of environment protection of the Baltic region were invited onboard the «Sibiryakov». In particular, Prof. Lars Ryden, Director of The Baltic University Programme, Uppsala University, and Dr. Kristina Dahlberg, «Baltic 21» Secretariat for Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region, Ministry of the Environment of Sweden have held a meeting with the Cruise participants.

2) The cruise of the sailing catamaran CENTAURUS-II has been conducted in July, 1999 within the framework of IOC/UNESCO «Baltic Floating University» Facility being performed by the RSHU. The research cruise of Centaurus-II was conducted in coastal waters of the eastern Gulf of Finland — in Luga-Koporye region. The main objective of the cruise was the complex study of the state of the marine ecosystem on the basis of hydrophysical, hydrochemical, hydrobiological characteristics, including the data on sediments state and the level of their pollution and also the level of pollution of the water environment.

 Sibiryakov cruise details

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