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BFU Cruise 2001

In July and August 2001 the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) organized and carried out the research cruise of the Baltic Floating University (BFU). It consisted of two stages — 1) onboard the research vessel and 2) onboard the sailing catamaran.

1) The cruise was held on August, 01 — August, 19 within the framework of BFU international project and Federal Target Programme «Investigations of the nature of the World Ocean». Apart from professors, teachers and students from RSHU and specialists from scientific-research institutes of St.-Petersburg, the students from Spain, Portugal, Great Britain and Sweden took part in this expedition. Marine expedition has been held onboard the Russian hydrographic vessel «Sibiryakov», investigating four areas: Gulf of Finland, Baltic Proper (HELCOM stations) and Gotland deep. Under supervision of the specialists students have taken direct part in taking the samples, have worked in onboard laboratories, getting the experience and practical skills in methods and technique of the marine research, they also have taken part in processing and preliminary analysis of the data.

The Mid-cruise seminar took place onboard research vessel «Sibiryakov» during the stay in Stockholm on August, 6-9. On the basis of the material collected during the cruise students have made several reports. The invited guests were Secretary General of National Commission of UNESCO in Sweden A. Fallk, adviser for science and technology V. Arkhipov, lecturer of Stockholm University Dr. O. Savchuk. Also, BFU participants have visited Stockholm University and Uppsala University with the director of the «Baltic University» program Prof. L. Ryden.

2) The cruise of the sailing catamaran CENTAURUS-II has been conducted within the framework of IOC/UNESCO «Baltic Floating University» Facility being performed by the RSHU. It was held on July 12-August, 05, 2001, when the coastal zone of the Gulf of Finland has been investigated. The main objective of the cruise was the complex study of the state of the marine ecosystem on the basis of hydrophysical, hydrochemical, hydrobiological characteristics, including the data on sediments state and the level of their pollution and also the level of pollution of the water environment. 23 students from RSHU, 2 students from the University of Cadiz (Spain), and 2 students from the University of Aveiro (Portugal) took part in this cruise.

Also, in frames of this cruise, the international seminar on methods of underwater research was held on the basis of ecological school № 7 in Sosnovyi Bor on July 21, 2001 with participation of Prof. D. A. Pilgrim (Plymouth Environmental Research Centre, University of Plymouth, UK), Dr. A. Izquierdo (University of Cadiz), Mr. Tiago Repolho (University of Aveiro), Mr. P. Moniemski (University of Lodz), Mrs. L. Serdyukova (school № 7) and students from RSHU (Russia), Cadiz (Spain), Aveiro (Portugal), Lodz (Poland).

 Cruise details

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