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BFU Cruise 2004

In July and August 2004 the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) organized and carried out the research cruise of the Baltic Floating University (BFU). It consisted of two stages – 1) onboard the research vessel and 2) onboard the sailing catamaran.

1. 17 day expedition has been held onboard the Russian hydrographic vessel “Sibiryakov”, investigating four areas: Gulf of Finland, Baltic Proper (HELCOM stations) and Gotland deep. Apart from professors, teachers and students from RSHU and specialists from scientific-research institutes of St.-Petersburg, the students from the Baltic countries, such as Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Byelorussia, Spain and France took part in this expedition. This interdisciplinary expedition was carried out with the objective of providing education and training in the fields of oceanography & ecology through lectures, data collection, data analysis & interpretation. Under supervision of the specialists students have taken direct part in taking the samples, have worked in onboard laboratories, getting the experience and practical skills in methods and technique of the marine research, they also have taken part in processing and preliminary analysis of the data. During the lectures onboard “Sibiryakov” professors have told the students about the main problems of the Baltic Sea and the ways of their solution to reach sustainable development and conservation of the environment of the sea. The Mid-cruise scientific seminar took place on August, 10 in the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAS, Sopot) during the stay of “Sibiryakov” in Gdynya. Moreover the trip to Hel spit was organized to Gdansk University Marine Station to see the aquarium with the Baltic seals.

2. The cruise of the sailing catamaran CENTAURUS-II to Germany and participation in public undertakings have been conducted within the framework of IOC/UNESCO “Baltic Floating University” Facility being performed by the RSHU. This cruise was realized on basis of invitation to take part in one of the largest North Europe summer arrangement — Kieler Woche (Kiel Week) — during June 20—27, 2004. Moreover, the catamaran was invited in 2004 to visit the Baltic research institute (Institut fur Ostseeforschung) in Warnemunde and take part at the International Rostock Convention „Sailing and the Environment in Coastal Areas“ (“Segelsport und Umvelt im Kustenbereich“).
The programme of the catamaran’s and its staff’s participation in the Kiel Week was focused on environmental knowledge dissemination and local inhabitants (above all the pupils) acquainting with methods of environment studying and protection. This programme was developed together with the Hohe Tied and the representatives of the Applied Ecology Centre (Sillamae, Estonia) and the Cadiz University (Spain).

Also, during the period from August 22 till September 03 on invitation from the Gotland University (Visby, Sweden) the catamaran ‘Centaurus-II’ sailed from St. Petersburg to Gotland with the aim to represent RSHU on international seminar ‘Living at the Coast’ held by the CoNet CZA21 Association.

 Cruise details

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