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BFU Cruise 2005

In summer 2005 a usual annual scientific-educational expedition was carried out by RSHU in the Baltic Sea. It consisted of two stages — 1) onboard the research vessel and 2) onboard the sailing catamaran.
Apart from professors, teachers and students from RSHU and specialists from scientific-research institutes of St.-Petersburg, the students from the Baltic countries, such as Latvia, Lithuania, and also from Slovakia, Ukraine, Spain and United Kingdom took part in this expedition. This interdisciplinary expedition was carried out with the objective of providing education and training in the fields of oceanography & ecology through lectures, data collection, data analysis & interpretation. This cruise created a unique opportunity for a healthy exchange of ideas between the youth of different nations.

1. Marine expedition has been held onboard the Russian hydrographic vessel “Sibiryakov”, investigating four areas: Gulf of Finland, Baltic Proper (HELCOM stations) and Gotland deep. Under supervision of the specialists students have taken direct part in taking the samples, have worked in onboard laboratories, getting the experience and practical skills in methods and technique of the marine research, they also have taken part in processing and preliminary analysis of the data. During the lectures onboard “Sibiryakov” professors have told the students about the main problems of the Baltic Sea and the ways of their solution to reach sustainable development and conservation of the environment of the sea.
The Mid-cruise scientific seminar took place on August, 12 onboard RV “Sibiryakov” during the stay in Stockholm.

2. Another expedition was carried out on the catamaran in the framework of the Baltic Floating University project. In the course of the cruise the students took part in oceanographic surveying of the Luga and Koporye bays with various types of measurements. The students also participated in the sub-satellite (sea surface-truth) measurements of sea surface and air temperature together with cloudiness observations needed for the development of remote sensing methodology in the Eastern Gulf of Finland and fulfilled at the request of the St. Petersburg Centre on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

 Cruise details

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  Russian State Hydrometeorological University Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Voronezhskaya ulitsa, 79
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