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BFU Cruise 2007

The BFU-2007 two-ship operation included: (i) the 15th training-through-research cruise of the Baltic Floating University (BFU) programme (July, 12-29), and (ii) a cruise of the sailing catamaran “Centaurus-II” in the Gulf of Finland (July, 18-31). Besides the research cruises, the BFU activity also included cultural and educational programs in Kaliningrad, Gdynya, Stockholm and St.-Petersburg.

The expedition onboard the research vessel “Professor Shtokman” consisted of 27 participants, who came from various institutions and backgrounds. Among members of the scientific crew were lecturers and researchers from the RSHU Faculty of Oceanography, experts from Sevmorgeo and Neftegazgeodezia Ltd, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Atlantic Branch of IO RAS, and Moscow State University. Students and postgraduate students came from RSHU and universities of Russia, Spain, United Kingdom and Namibia.

The main research direction of the RV cruise was complex assessment of the present state and integrated sensitivity of macro-ecosystems in the Baltic Proper, the Bornholm and Arkona Deeps, the Gulf of Finland and the Kaliningrad Shelf, including the state of the marine environment (water masses, bottom sediments, meteorological situation) and biological communities (plankton, benthos and fish).

Education and training tasks of the expedition included: lectures and seminars on environmental problems of the Baltic Sea; training of students in experimental research at sea and in data pre-processing; scientific guidance of the preparation of students' presentations of preliminary results based on acquired data; and a mid-cruise Seminar in Stockholm, Sweden. Through the combination of the research, education and training efforts, during the cruise the TTR-approach was successfully fulfilled.

The cruise of the sailing catamaran “Centaurus II” was carried out in the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. Four crew members, four RSHU professors, two scientists from the Zoological Institute (RAS), and nine students (four from Russia, two from Spain and three from Colombia) were participants of this expedition. Complex oceanographic survey was successfully completed.

A new UNESCO BILKO module was prepared during the cruise, using the MODIS data. The new materials prepared during the 2007 cruise accompany the software and provide an approach to image processing and analysis for the Gulf of Finland. Also during the cruise various lectures and seminars took place where professors and students made their presentations on different subjects related to the research in the Gulf of Finland.

 Cruise details

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